Andrena (Chlorandrena) taraxaci Giraud, 1861

Oligolectic: yellow-flowered Asteraceae (Cichoriaceae)(Pesenko in Banaszak, 1995).

Dylewska (1987) lists the following forage plants: Tussilago farfara, Taraxacum officinale, Tragopogon pratensis (Asteraceae) and (presumably as a nectar source) Salix (Salicaceae).

Radchenko (2015), citing others, states that the females forage on a narrow range of flowering plant species, specifically on Asteraceae such as Cichorioideae (Radchenko and Pesenko 1994). It has aslo been recorded on Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae); Potentilla, Prunus (Rosaceae) (Moczar and Warncke 1972); Salix (Salicaceae)(Scheuchl 1993a, Dylewska 2000) and Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) (Xu and Tadauchi 2002). The males of Andrena taraxaci are pollinators of Ophrys lutea (Orchidaceae) through pseudocopulation (Oddone 2013).