Andrena (Euandrena) symphyti Schmiedeknecht, 1883

Oligolectic: Symphytum (Boraginaceae)(Scheuchl, in prep.). Teppner (2011) reports that this species is oligolectic on Boraginaceae. Records cited include visitation to Symphytum officinale, Symphytum tuberosum, Onosma stojanoffii, Cerinthe minor, Pulmonaria officinalis (Boraginaceae).

Ebmer (2009) and Standfuss et al. (2011) list Symphytum bulbosus (Boraginaceae) as a forage plant and in Greece.

Kocourek (1966) lists Spiraea (Rosaceae); Gentiana (Gentianaceae); Ajuga reptans (Lamiaceae) and Nonea pulla (Boraginaceae) as nectar sources.

Teppner (2011) states that Andrena (Euandrena) symphyti collects pollen from Symphytum, Onosma and Cerinthe (Boraginaceae) flowers by manipulation of the anthers and sonication, and collects nectar by robbing through transverse slits bitten into the base of the corolla tube

Tomozei & Radchenko (2015), citing others, state that the females collect pollen from flowers of various plant families such as Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Brassicaceae, Ranunculaceae, but they prefer Symphytum tuberosum and Symphytum officinale (Boraginaceae). It is considered to be oligolectic, in that it prefers to forage upon a narrow range of flowering plant species, on Symphytum (Boraginaceae) (Schmid-Egger and Scheuchl 1997).