Andrena (Campylogaster) incisa EVERSMANN, 1852

Apparently oligolectic on Apiaceae, although there are some difficulties with this. The first generation is reported to visit Isatis (Brassicaceae) and the second generation is apparently specialised on Apiaceae. The following have been recorded as forage resources: Eryngium campestre, Daucus (Apiaceae); Melilotus (Fabaceae)(Dylewska, 1987).

Kemp et al (2014), citing others, states that the females collect pollen mainly from flowers of the Apiaceae (Ferula, Trinia, Chaerophyllum, Libanotis, Ęryngium, Orlaya), and occasionally visit flowers of the Brassicaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae, Fabaceae.