Andrena (Simandrena) dorsata (KIRBY, 1802)

Polylectic: The spring brood forages from Crataegus (Rosaceae); females of this brood also visit Ranunculus ficaria (Ranunculaceae); Brassica (Brassicaceae); Prunus spinosa (Rosaceae); Smyrnium olusatrum (Apiaceae); Salix aurita, S. repens (Salicaceae)and Taraxacum (Asteraceae) but it is not known if these include pollen sources. The summer brood forages from Sinapis (Brassicaceae); Filipendula ulmaria, Rubus (including R. idaeus), Potentilla erecta (Rosaceae); Pimpinella saxifraga, Heracleum sphondylium, Daucus carota (Apiaceae) Bryonia dioica (Cucurbitaceae) Castanea (Fagaceae) Primula auricula cultivars(Primulaceae) and Leucanthemum vulgare (Asteraceae)(Chambers, 1968).

Tomozei (2014) citing others states that the females forage on flowers of 14 different families of plants. They are frequently found on Rosaceae and Brassicaceae, but also on Apiaceae; Tusilago farfara, Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae); Stellaria holostea (Caryophyllaceae) and Salix (Salicaceae). It is considered a pollinator of fruit and pumpkin (Cucurbitaceae) crops (Osytshnjuk 1977, Dylewska 1987).