Andrena (Andrena) clarkella (KIRBY, 1802)

Oligolectic: Salix (Salicaceae). However, Stelfox (1927) states that in an Irish locality females apparently gathered pollen only from Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae) though willows were still in flower close by. In Czechoslovakia, Kocourek (1966) surprisingly reports males flying to Corylus avellana (Corylaceae) catkins in the absence of other flowers.

Pekkarinen (1998) lists Salix (Salicaceae) as the pollen source in Finland.

Tomozei (2014) citing others, states: In Finland, the species was recorded on 18 plant species (15 species of Salix (Salicaceae); Acer platanoides (Aceraceae); Tussilago farfara (Asteraceae); Arabis bellidifolia (Brassicaceae). In Poland, it was recorded on flowers of 14 plant species from six families, preferably on the Salicaceae (70%) and Asteraceae (21%).