Dufourea (Dufourea) minuta Lepeletier, 1841

Oligolectic on species in the family Asteraceae (Hieracium sp. Hieracium umbellatum, Leontodon autumnalis)(Westrich, 1989, 2018).

Else & Edwards (2018) lit visitation to the following species: The Surrey male and female were collected from a Taraxacum and a Jacobaea flower respectively (Asteraceae).

Pesenko in Banaszak (1995) and Pesenko, Banaszak et al. (2000) state that the species is oligolectic on Asteraceae - Cichorioidea

Söderman & Leinonen (2003) add Lactuca sp.(Asteraceae) to the list of flowers visited. Pekkarinen (1998) lists plants in the following genera of Asteraceae as pollen sources in Finland: Hieracium and Leontodon.

Patiny lists yellow flowered Asteraceae in the genera Hieracium, Lactuca, Leontodon.

Knuth (1906) citing Alkfken & Hoppner, reports visitation to Ranunculus fammula (Ranunculaceae)