Andrena (Euandrena) ruficrus NYLANDER, 1848

Oligolectic: Salix (Salicaceae) In West Yorkshire, A.E. Bradley (1920) observed females carrying Salix pollen. On Skye, G.M. Spooner (pers. comm.) also noted females visiting Salix catkins. It is also known to visit Taraxacum (Asteraceae)(E. Saunders, 1899a), presumably as a nectar source. Falk (1991) adds that both sexes visit flowers such as Salix (Salicaceae); Prunus spinosa (Rosaceae) Tussilago and Taraxacum (Asteraceae).

In Germany strictly oligolectic on Salix (Salicaceae)(Westrich, 1989). Elfving (1968) lists twenty-nine species of flowers visited by this bee in Finland, most no doubt representing nectar sources.

Pekkarinen (1998) lists Salix (Salicaceae) as the pollen source in Finland.

Kemp et al (2014), citing others, states that the species is oligolectic on Salicaceae, however it will forage for nectar at other plant species including Asteraceae and Ranunculaceae.

Bossert (2014) reports foraging at Geum urbanum (Rosaceae) in the Austrian Tyrol