Andrena (Hoplandrena) ferox Smith, 1847

Oligolectic in UK: There are no published records for British specimens. S.P.M. Roberts (pers. comm.) analysed pollen from a New Forest female and noted that this individual had foraged from Quercus. (Fagaceae). Pollen samples from Dutch nests showed that the females had collected pollen exclusively from Quercus (Leys, 1978).

In Germany it is reported to be polylectic, foraging from Acer campestre (Aceraceae); Crataegus laevigatus (Rosaceae) and Quercus robur (Fagaceae)(Westrich, 1989). Elsewhere Polylectic

Tomozei (2014) citing others) states the females collect pollen from Crataegus oxyachantha, Prunus, Cerasus, (Rosaceae); Ribes grossularia (Grossulariaceae); Quercus robur (Fagaceae) and Acer pseudoplatanus (Aceraceae) (Kocourek 1966, Dylewska 1987, Osytshnjuk 1977, Osytshnjuk et al. 2008, Else 2012).