Oligolectic on Boraginaceae (Onosma, Echium, Lithodora) (Mavromoustakis, 1948c; Sedivy et al., 2013a). 21 pollen loads from 13 locations were sampled by Sedivy et al., (2013) with the following results: Boraginaceae (Onosma) 65.2%, Boraginaceae (Echium) 24.2%, Boraginaceae (Lithodora) 7.3%, Boraginaceae (indet) 2.2%, unknown 1.1% Total 95%
The females were observed to apply buzzing to remove pollen from the flowers of Onosma fruticosum(Sedivy et al., 2013). Mavromoustakis (1948; 1952) reports visitation to Onosma fruticosum (Boraginaceae). in Cyprus