Bombus (Sibiricobombus) niveatus Kriechbaumer, 1870

Probably a polylectic species. The only published flower records are of Echium sp. (Boraginaceae)(Anagnostopoulos, 2005).

In Bulgaria, the species has been observed visiting Stachys officinalis (Lamiaceae) and Vicia cracca (Fabaceae)(pers. obs).

Alireza et al. (2007) list the following forage sources in Iran: Salvia virgata, Stachys sp., Lamium album, Marrubium sp. (Lamiaceae); Medicago sativa, Vicia sp., (Fabaceae); Citrus sp. (Rutaceae); Echium amoenum (Boraginaceae); Consolida sp., Delphinium sp. (Ranunculaceae); Acantholimon sp. (Plumbaginaceae); Aster sp. (Asteraceae); Prunus sp. (Rosaceae)