Eucera (Tetralonia) inulae (Tkalců, 1979)

Oligolectic on Asteraceae: Original observations by Tkalcu in Albania (cited in Grace, 2010), discovered that Inula ensifolia, Inula germanica and Inula oculus-christi (Asteraceae) were all host flowers. Gogala (1999) also records Buphthalmum spp. as a forage plant. Müller (2008) also adds Inula spiraeifolia to the list of known hosts of this bee (Grace 2010). The species is found visiting the sexually deceptive orchid species Ophrys tetralonia (Orchidaceae) (Gaskett 2011).

Late flying individuals of both sexes have been found in Cyprus (S. Roberts, pers. obs 2016) at flowers of Dittrichia (=Inula) viscosa (Asteraceae)