Megachile (Megachile) ligniseca (Kirby, 1802)

Polylectic; British females have a marked preference for Asteraceae as a pollen source (Else & Edwards, 2018).

Else & Edwards (2018) list flowr visitation in GB: Malva (Malvaceae); Cheiranthus cheiri (Brassicaceae); Vicia sylvatica (Fabaceae); Jacobaea, Pulicaria dysenterica, Aster tripolium, Arctium, Cirsium vulgare, C. palustre, C. arvense, Cnicus and Centaurea nigra (Asteraceae).

In Germany, it forages from species in the families Asteraceae, Dipsacaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae and Plantaginaceae (Westrich, 1989).

Banaszak & Romasenko (1989), copied by Stanisavljević (2000), state that although the species is polylectic, it shows a marked preference for Cirsium, Carduus and Centaurea (Asteraceae) as sources of forage