Trachusa (Paraanthidium) dumerlei (Warncke, 1980)

The species is oligolectic of knapweeds and thistles (Asteraceae)(Praz 2008). Müller (1996) states that this is probably an oligolectic species, specialising in Cardueae (Asteraceae) pollen.

Pollen analysis (Müller, 1996) using a single sample only, revealed Asteraceae to be the only pollen source

Kasparek (2017) summarises flower visitation: In Turkey recorded visiting Centaurea solstitialis ssp. solstitialis, Centurea solstitialis ssp. carneola, Onopordum carduchorum, Onopordum anatolicum and
Cephalaria alpina (Asteraceae)(Özbek & van der Zanden 1993, Güler et al. 2014).