The species is polylectic with strong preference for Fabaceae (Müller, 2018) visiting species in the families Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Cistaceae, Cornaceae, Ericaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae and Salicaceae (Westrich, 1989). In Scotland, however, the main (and perhaps only) forage species is Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) (Else & Edwards, 1996); an analysis by P. Westrich of a sample of pollen removed from the scopa of a Scottish female, collected many years ago, was found to consist almost entirely of pollen from this plant.
Müller (2018) lists the following pollen sources in the Alps; Lotus, Hippocrepis, Trifolium, Onobrychis, Medicago, Vicia/Lathyrus, Anthyllis (Fabaceae); Potentilla-type (Rosaceae); Lamiaceae (Lamioideae, Nepetoideae); Plantago, Veronica (Plantaginaceae); Allium (Alliaceae); Ranunculaceae; Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae); Gentianaceae; Echium (Boraginaceae); Crassulaceae; Helianthemum (Cistaceae)
Flowers visited in UK: Lotus corniculatus, Cytisus scoparius (Fabaceae) and Vaccinium (Ericaceae) species.
Banaszak & Romasenko (1989) report visits to plants in the families Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Lamiaceae.
N. Vereecken (in litt.) states that in Belgium the females seem to visit Glechoma hederacea, Ajuga reptans (Lamiaceae) and Vaccinium spp. (Ericaceae).