Andrena (Margandrena) pellucens PÉrez, 1895

Polylectic: A. pellucens is known to collect pollen of Colchicum, Smilax and related plants in the
Liliaceae and Iridaceae families (K. & L. Standfuss 2010, Scheuchl pers. comm.). Gogala (2011) also lists Leontodon, Cichorium and Crepis (Asteraceae) as probable pollen sources in Slovenia.

Baldock (in litt.) reports foraging at Scilla autumnalis (Asparagaceae) in the Monte Madonie near Palermo and on Aster tripolium (Asteraceae) on coastal sand dunes at Vendicari Nature Reserve near Lido di Noto, south of Siracusa (Sicily). He further reports foraging at a small patch of a yellow-flowering Brassicaceae. Cross (2018, in litt.) has identified the species foraging in October at Inula viscosa (Asteraceae) in Catalunya.