Heriades (Heriades) rubicolus PÉREZ, 1890

Open woodland of Pinus pinea with a sparse understorey of Cistus, Lavandula & Rosmarinus. (ES) (I. Cross, 2011, pers comm.).

The Briantspuddle site is a mature, rural, wildlife garden of about 0.1 ha. The garden contains bramble, Rubus fruticosus agg. and, as it is situated in a river valley, there is abundant Common Reed, Phragmites australis, within 200 m. Southern Park is adjacent to the Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park, situated within the former gasworks site on Greenwich Peninsula. The latter totals 1.72 ha in size and comprises artificial lakes, reed bed, grassland, scrub and woodland, as well as a building and supporting access infrastructure (The Land Trust, 2014; Notton, Tang & Day, 2016). At the time of collecting, there was an adjacent brownfield site including grassland habitat with bramble, R. fruticosus agg., and abundant yellow flowered Asteraceae; the last site is being built over at the time of writing(Cross & Notton, 2017).