Andrena (Tarsandrena) tarsata NYLANDER, 1848

Lowland heathland and upland moor, clearings in acid woodland (GB)

Recorded from a range of habitats where Potentilla is present but most strongly associated with heath/bog sites (IE)

Lakeshores and bogs which support Potentilla palustris(FI)(Söderman & Leinonen, 2003)

Moist habitats such as mesophilous meadows and forest glades. In the mountains it can be found at altitudes up to 2,000 m asl. In central Europe, it is mentioned from sandy heathland areas with sparse grasslands (Peeters and Reemer 2003). In England, the species nests in sparsely vegetated sand and peats on heaths and moorlands (Fowles 1996).(EU).