Andrena (Plastandrena) pilipes Fabricius, 1781

Coastal cliffs and undercliffs also less frequently inland, usually on heathland, but also occasionally on chalk grassland (GB)

Lowland/upland vegetation zones including sclerophylous biotopes (0-350m a.s.l.)(GR)(Standfuss et al., 2011)

Disused sandpits (IE)

Roadside verges (BG)

A ubiquitous species, found in urban and rural, wet and dry regions but it rarely occurs in mountainous regions of the temperate zone. In the southern part of Asia it is found in the high mountains, as in Kyrgyzstan at an altitude of 2,240 m asl (Tadauchi 2008) and up to 5,000 m asl in India (Ascher and Pickering 2013)(EU)