Undercliffs and coastal landslips; heathland and woodland edge; exposed sunny hedgebanks. (GB)
Open slopes in forest of Pinus nigra pallasiana at 1700m, coastal sand dunes (CY)
Lowland/upland vegetation zones including sclerophylous biotopes (0-350m a.s.l.)(GR)(Standfuss et al., 2011)
A wide variety of open habitats including valley slopes with thermophilous vegetation, cultivated cropped fields of Alfalfa, Radish and Oil Seed Rape, ditch sides, road verges and railway embankments (BG)
A variety of open habitats, having a slight preference for clay-based or sandy soils, although these do not need to be acidic (Edwards 2002). These habitats include agricultural lands, woodlands, grasslands and rocky areas to a lesser extent. (EU)