Andrena (Melandrena) morio BRULLÉ , 1832

Olive groves, phrygana, open hillside Quercus macrolepis woodland, regenerating maquis,sandy upper beach (GR-AN)

Marshland, lowland/upland vegetation zones including sclerophylous biotopes (0-350m a.s.l.)(GR)(Standfuss et al., 2011)

Floristically diverse disturbed ground with ruderals; Limestone hills (LY)

Sparsely vegetated rocky terrain (MA)

Floristically divers coastal phrygana (CY)

A range of different xeric and humid biotopes, including steppes and mountainous habitats up to more than 2,000 m asl within the Pamir mountain range. (EU)(Tomozei, 2014)