Andrena (Distandrena) distinguenda SCHENCK, 1871

Typically a species of field margins and waste places with ruderal vegetation (DE)(Westrich, 1989).

In the Netherlands (where the species is very rare) it is known from areas of calcareous grassland (NL)(Peeters, Raemakers & Smit, 1999).

Marginal areas around cultivated fields (roadside verges and ditch sides) and in the cropped areas of Radish (Raphanus sativus ‘Omega’) Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) fields (BG)

Lowland/upland vegetation zones including sclerophylous biotopes (0-350m a.s.l.)(GR)(Standfuss et al., 2011)

Mesophilous grasslands and set-aside fields (Beláková 1972, Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke 2001). (EU)