Bombus (Pyrobombus) pratorum (Linnaeus, 1761)

Woodland (preferring shrubby areas), pastures, meadows, gardens roadsides and steppes (ES)

Ubiquitous, favouring a wide range of habitats: Woodland, hedgerows, agricultural land, grasslands, coastal habitats and urban parks and gardens (GB).

Found in a wide range of habitats, including parks and gardens. (IE)

Meadows, orchards, gardens, roadsides, pastures, Vaccinium heaths (NO).

Mixed-forest, flooded woodlands and Forest-steppe zones (UA)

Woodland clearing - Epilobium, Mesobromion, and Forest fringe / Meadows, Wooded areas, pine forests (Vaccinium-pine forests, Rhododendron-pine forests) (FR)

Edge of Quercus-Carpinus forest, roadside with rich herbaceous vegetation and a wide range of habitats in agricultural areas including, valley slopes with thermophilous vegetation, marginal areas (eg roadside verges) and cultivated fields of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) (BG)

Alpine meadows (AT)(Bossert, 2014)