Bombus (Megabombus) hortorum (Linnaeus, 1761)

This is an almost ubiquitous species, found in many habitat types including parks and gardens. It tends to avoid barren, open moorlands and heaths. (GB, IE).

Gardens, orchards, Fabaceae fields (NO, SE).

Pine woodlands, market gardens, gardens, pastures and meadows (ES).

Woodland rides and marginal ground, orchards, river levees and man made habitats such as parks and gardens (DE).

Mixed-forest, Forest-steppe and Steppe zones (UA)

Aggregation of mountain pines, alpine meadows (AT)(Bossert, 2014)

A wide range of habitats in agricultural areas including valley slopes with thermophilous vegetation, grass and shrub communities, marginal areas (eg roadside verges, ditch edges) and cultivated fields of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) (BG)