Rhodanthidium (Rhodanthidium) septemdentatum (Latreille, 1809)

General traits

Body form Chalicodomiform
Flight period
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • September
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • Flowers visited
  • Hypericaceae
  • Liliaceae
  • Papaveraceae
  • Plantaginaceae
  • Campanulaceae
  • Primulaceae
  • Cistaceae
  • Convolvulaceae
  • Ranunculaceae
  • Rosaceae
  • Dipsacaceae
  • Scrophulariaceae
  • Fabaceae
  • Asteraceae
  • Crassulaceae
  • Lamiaceae
  • Boraginaceae
  • Brassicaceae
  • Habitat types Sclerophyllous scrub
    Lectic status (Cane & Sipes) Polylectic
    Lectic status (Robertson) Polylectic
    Mode of pollen transport Underside of abdomen
    Nesting trait Renter: Snail shells
    Preferred plant family n/a
    Sociality Solitary
    Tongue length Long
    Voltinism Univoltine

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