Andrena (Poliandrena) polita Smith, 1847

General traits

Body form Andreniform
Buzz pollinator No
Flight period
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • May
  • June
  • Flowers visited
  • Lamiaceae
  • Rosaceae
  • Apiaceae
  • Asteraceae
  • Convolvulaceae
  • Cucurbitaceae
  • Fabaceae
  • Habitat types
  • Sclerophyllous scrub
  • Natural and semi-natural grasslands
  • Rocky habitats and caves
  • Forests and woodlands
  • Anthropogenic habitats
  • Lectic status (Cane & Sipes) Mesolectic
    Lectic status (Müller & Kuhlmann) Polylectic with a strong preference
    Lectic status (Robertson) Polylectic
    Mode of pollen transport Legs and body
    Nesting trait Excavator: Ground
    Overwintering phase Prepupa
    Pollen moisture Dry
    Preferred plant family Asteraceae
    Sociality Solitary
    Tongue length Short
    Voltinism Univoltine

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