Hylaeus (Lambdopsis) dilatatus (KIRBY, 1802)

Location of type
Melitta dilatata Kirby, 1802: 39. Lectotype: England, Suffolk, Barham (BMNH).

Redescription of lectotype
Male. Face with extensive yellow markings, in profile with clypeus, supraclypeal and intertorular areas not greatly produced, paraocular markings not curving inwards above toruli, and without a small oval shiny patch apically; malar space short, 0.3 times basal width of mandible. Antennal scape greatly dilated, suboval, about as wide as long, convex on one side, concave on the other, its dorsal half, radicle and apex black and the ventral half yellow. Mandible with external face largely yellow, teeth brown. Metanotum coarsely reticulate. Disc of gastral tergite 1 with numerous distinct punctures; disc and medial posterior margin of tergite 1 microreticulate; gastral sternites 2–4 posteriorly with sparse hairs, not forming a distinct fringe or patches and not obscuring the underlying sternites; sternites 4 and 5 each with a low transverse polished tubercle; sternite 3 with a similar but less clearly discernable tubercle; gastral sternite 8 not protruding; gonostyli with only tips exserted, the exposed parts subtriangular, blunt. The condition of the specimen is poor, with apices of both antennae, part of right scape, right side of head, right foreleg (tibia and beyond), right hind leg (tibia and beyond) and part of margin of right fore wing missing; generally dirty.