Hylaeus (Lambdopsis) annularis (Kirby, 1802)

Location of type
Melitta annularis Kirby, 1802: 38. Lectotype R: England, Suffolk, Barham (BMNH).

Redescription of lectotype
Female. Head in frontal view broader than long; clypeus without processes and not strongly convex; paraocular markings present, yellow, pointed below, and rounded
above, approximately heart shaped, extending to lower margin of toruli but no higher, extending to clypeal margin, but not reaching inner orbit; facial foveae not
extending above upper margin of compound eyes, slightly converging posteriorly. Dorsal surface of pronotum medially narrowed, not carinate. Dorsal surface of
propodeum slightly shorter than the metanotum, and with coarse reticulation. Punctures of gastral tergites 1 and 2 coarse, dense and extensive; no microreticulation
on the disc or medial posterior margin of tergite 1 or the front of tergite 2. The condition of the specimen is poor: right compound eye missing; both antennae partly
lost; right fore wing missing; all legs either partly or wholy lost; gaster reglued; generally dirty.