Andrena (Chlorandrena) crepidis Schwenninger, 2015

Description published
Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 8: 251–270; Stuttgart, 30.IV.2015.

Location of type
H. Schwenninger collection, Stuttgart

Male (holotype, BL = 7 mm, WL = 6 mm)

Coloration : Integument black except as follows: mandible at the apex (both teeth) reddish, depressions of terga towards hind margin brightened from reddish brown to reddish yellow; epressions of sterna reddish yellow; claws and tibia1 spurs reddish yellow; wing membrane hyaline, brownish obfuscated, veins brown, pterostigma reddish brown; tegulae reddish brown.

Pubescence : Hairs all over reddish yellow; especially head, mesopleurae, scutellum, propodeum, tergum 1 and femur with extremely long hairs, approximately as long as the inner spurs of the hind tibia (650 μm), terga with long scattered hairs only on the disc of T1; on the disc of T2–T5 hairs much shorter, about 200 μm, depressions medially with very short hairs forming a narrow band which extends on the sides of the tergum; sterna 2–6 with oblique, erect subapical fimbriae (hairs: 300–370 μm).

Head : transverse, HL = 2.0 mm, HW = 2.5 mm, HL/HW = 0.8. – Vertex: behind lateral ocelli wider (190 μm) than diameter of the lateral ocelli (160 μm). – Frons: face above antennal fossae with longitudinal rugulae, interrugal space smooth and shiny. – Malar space: linear. – Genal area: about as wide as compound eye. – Antennae: first flagellomere (360 μm) shorter than FL2–4 (420 μm), but
longer than FL2–3 (275 μm); FL2 and FL3 very short, flagellomeres longer towards the apex (FL5: W = 200 μm, L = 180 μm; FL7: W = 205 μm, L = 200 μm), beginning with FL8 longer than wide (FL8: W = 197 μm, L = 205 μm); FL10 distinctly longer than wide (W = 182 μm, L = 255 μm).– Clypeus: shagreened, coarsely punctuated, punctures transverse. – Labrum: process almost as wide as labrum,
emarginate, smooth and shiny. – Galea: shagreened, maxillary palpi longer than galea, the last two segments protruding beyond apex of galea.

Mesosoma : Pronotum: without humeral angle, densely shagreened. – Scutum: strongly shagreened, more or less dull, except the posterior third where the integument is weakly shagreened and more shiny, punctuation deeply impressed, on the anterior part rather dense (interspaces 1 Pd), towards the scutellum decreasing, more scattered, interspaces sometimes > 3 Pd. – Scutellum: weakly shagreened, shiny, punctuation dense, interspaces on anterior part 1 Pd, interspaces on posterior part towards the hind margin > ½ Pd. – Propodeum: propodeal triangle (enclosure) well defined by a boundary line, shagreened, on basal zone with very fine wrinkles; lateral area of propodeum rugose, with crater-like punctures, interspaces 1–2 Pd; marginal area on the median part transversely striated, without dense pubescence also on the curved hind margin. – Mesopleurae: shagreened, anterior part with dense punctuation (crater punctures, interspaces ½–1 Pd), towards the posterior margin punctuation shallow and scattered (interspaces 2–4 Pd). – Wing: nervulus strongly postfurcal, distance from basal vein usually at least 4 times the width of the nervulus. – Legs: tarsal claws all bidentate.

Metasoma : Terga: shiny, only weakly shagreened, especially disc of T1 with smooth parts; T1 with crater punctures, on T2–T5 punctures increasingly finer, punctuation scattered, interspaces 2–3 Pd; depressions of terga distinctly separated from the discs, shiny with weak shagreen and very fine scattered punctuation, density of punctuation decreasing posteriorly (3–5 Pd), punctures on T5 more or less extinct. – Sterna: in contrast to terga distinctly shagreened, punctuation scattered as on terga, interspaces 2 Pd; hind margin of S6 curved, in the middle with weak emargination. – Genitalia: very small in comparison to other species of the Andrena taraxaci-group (length = 150 μm, see Fig. 11); process of sternum 8 barshaped, posterior and anterior to the lateral teeth with the same width (see Fig. 26).

Female (paratype, ID-No. 090102scwe398, BL = 8 mm, WL = 7 mm)

Coloration and pubescence : Mainly as in male, but lower side of flagellomeres 5–10 reddish brown; facial foveae bright yellow; caudal fimbria, hind legs, especially scopa, with plumose reddish yellow pubescence, hairs on scopa longer than length of the hind spur; hind margin of tergal depressions 2–4 with yellowish white hair bands, covering approximately the posterior third of the depressions. Hair bands on T2 broadly interrupted, on T3 reduced in the middle, on T4 complete; S2–5 with rows of erect reddish yellow hairs.

Head : transverse, HL = 2.0 mm, HW = 2.7 mm, HL/HW = 0.7. – Vertex: behind lateral ocelli smaller (145 μm) than diameter of the lateral ocelli (155 μm). – Frons: face above antennal fossae with longitudinal rugulae, interspaces with very fine punctuation. – Facial foveae: comma-shaped, distance between fovea and lateral ocellus (145 μm) smaller than width of ocellus (160 μm), fovea dorsally occupying more than ⅔ of the distance between compound eye and lateral ocellus. – Clypeus: with transverse punctuation. – Antennae: first flagellomere almost as long as FL2–4; FL2–5 very short transverse, FL6–8 square, FL9–10 longer than wide.

Mesosoma : Pronotum and scutellum: as in male except propodeum. – Propodeum: more shiny as in male, only weakly shagreened; lateral areas of propodeum near apex of the triangle with a zone of weak punctuation, on the lateral declivous area punctuation more distinct, dense and coarse (crater punctures, interspaces 2 Pd); marginal area of propodeum transversely shagreened, without pubescence, curved hind margin posteriorly with extreme fine pubescence (only visible at high magnification). – Legs: hind femur with a row of 16 reddish brown to dark brown spines.

Metasoma: Terga: more dull than in male, intensively shagreened, especially disc of T1 densely shagreened with scattered crater punctures (interspaces 3–5 Pd); T2–T5 with much finer punctures, scattered as T1. – Sterna: S2–5 with dense punctuation, interspaces < 1 Pd, sculptured as in terga, however, punctation more distinct.