Megachile (Megachile) versicolor Smith, 1844

Remarks R.C.L. Perkins (1925) has drawn attention to a form of the female found in Ireland. This differs from the British population in having the scopal hairs which arise from the fifth gastral sternite (and often the base of the sixth) reddish orange and not black; the lower paraocular, the episternal pilosity, and the hairs clothing gastral tergite 1 and the base of 2 snow white (rarely yellowish tinged), not pale golden throughout. The difference exhibited by these two forms is especially noticeable in clean, freshly emerged examples. This Irish form is also found in the Isle of Man. Males of this form do not differ from those found elsewhere. D.B. Baker (pers. comm.) has seen Irish females of this species which have black-haired gastral sternites