Halictus (Halictus) sajoi BLÜTHGEN, 1923


  • Grozdanic, S. 1971. Biologische Untersuchungen ап den Bienen. - Halictus sajoi (Вluethgen) - (Apoidea, Hymenoptera). - Proceedings of the Belgrade Natural History Museum 26: 151-157.
  • Marikovskaya, T.P. 1984. New data on the biology of Halictine bees (Apoidea, Halictinae) in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of Kazakhstan SSR biological Series No. 2: pp. 24-31.
  • Pesenko, Yu. 2005. New data on the taxonomy and distribution of the Palaearctic halictids. Entomofauna Band 26, Heft 18: pp. 313-348.